
Welcome Notes from the Author

This Blog is solely private property of Hanz & TheHoneybunch.All the contents are based on the life we lead and sharing from what I learnt & read. We love homeschool and are happily homeschooling our boys aged 7, 3 and a baby for the past 7 years.

We welcome you to share as we would never stop learning because we believe the world is our classroom. Thank you.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The settled baby - Four to Twelve Months

Excerpt from the book :-"Smart Baby, Clever Child"
written by Valentine Dmitriev, PH.D

As your baby enters this new phase, it is important for parents to keep up with their baby's rapid changes & advancement. His independent mobility is increasing and so he begins paying more attention to objects in his environment. He is developing new awareness.Hand-eye coordination improves and actions become more & more deliberate. With this is mind, there are 3 goals to aid in this new stage of development.

First Goal:- Plan ways of promoting your baby's mental & fine-motor attainment to provide him with the novelty of new & interesting playthings. Playthings need not not be limited to store-bought educational toys but suitable household things would be greatest value too.

Second Goal:- Give your baby an opportunity to learn how to initiate & carry out his own entertainment.Accomplish this by giving your baby independent playtime on a mat & by giving him 2 new playthings every third or fourth day (or when your baby is no longer interested in the toys at hand). It is tempting for parent to surround a baby with a heap of toys, however be reminded that too many things or stimuli presented all at once will defeat your intention to provide a learning experience for your baby.When an infant is satisfied with what he has learned from one particular toy, he will no longer handle it. That will be your cue to bring out something else. However before your baby's interest begins to lag, you can step in & show him other new ways of playing with the toy.

Third Goal:- Add to your baby's self discovery-to broaden his horizons by playing with him & his toys. You can show him that he can clap his hands or move his body to music.

Tip:- When you first give your baby a new toy, simply hold it out & tell him what it is. For example, show the toy to him & say,"Look, here's a bunny rabbit." If he reaches for the toy, give him the toy & repeat with a smile, "Bunny rabbit." If your baby does'nt reach for the rabbit, simply lay it on his lap if he's propped up, or place it on the floor beside him & move away. Allow your child to discover the toy on his own. When it appears that he no longer knows what to do with the rabbit, step in & show your baby other ways that he can play with the toy.

Sample Activity Schedule

Daily Gross-Motor Activities & Fine-Motor Activities

1.Pull to sit. Hands held, after each diaper change.

2.Scooting.Scooting is an activity that strengthens a baby's back & legs. It is done while on the stomach, & consist of pushing forward or backward by using the legs & knees.It gives mobility enabling him to reach toys.Three to five lunges, until baby is able to creep or push himself forward without help.

3. Roll from back to stomach, stomach to back.

4. Head & Chest lifts when prone.Place baby on his stomach, better yet, use the Roll-to Stomach maneuver to get him into the prone position. Use enticing toys, bells or puppets to encourage baby to lift his head & chest up, supported by his folded elbows or extended arms.Interact with baby in this position from three to five minutes, 2 to 3 times a day.Once baby has mastered rolling over from back to stomach, it will no longer be necessary to practice head & chest lifts. Baby will be lying & playing in a prone position as a natural result of being able to roll over from his back.

5. Propped sitting. Allow baby to remain seated with toys, or when you play with him & his toys for ten to thirty minutes or as long as he appears to be happy in that position. Repeat 2 or 3 times a day.

6. Weight-bearing stance. Place baby in an upright position, feet planted firmly on the floor.Hold him up for one to 2 minutes. Repeat 2 to 3 times a day.

7. Playtime on the mat. Baby plays alone 10 to 30 minutes or longer if he is happy;2 to 3 times a day, morning, after midmorning nap & perhaps in the evening.

8. Peek-a-boo game. Baby & parent play this game once a day.

9. Mom or dad toy playtime with baby. Baby engages in playtime with either parent for 5 or 10 to 15 minutes, 2 to3 times a day.

10. Looking at book pictures. Baby & parent engage in this activity for 5 to 10 minutes, once a day.

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