
Welcome Notes from the Author

This Blog is solely private property of Hanz & TheHoneybunch.All the contents are based on the life we lead and sharing from what I learnt & read. We love homeschool and are happily homeschooling our boys aged 7, 3 and a baby for the past 7 years.

We welcome you to share as we would never stop learning because we believe the world is our classroom. Thank you.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tips on Fun Water Play

To get your kids to love water, here's some idea that might be a solution. All these ideas applies to either toddler or preschooler:-

  • Make bath-time fun by getting some bath toys for your kids to play with
  • Bubbles - lots of them. Give your kid to try different medium to make bubbles such as sponges of different sizes, varieties plastic pots to fill with and even wooden spoon so that your kid can reduce the bubble foam to water again by stirring.
  • Empty shampoo and washing up bottles with lids so your kid can work out how to get the water in the bottles by squeezing it and letting go, then have fun squirting the water out.
  • Explore floating and sinking - Have many items even natural materials such as sticks, barks, leaves and pebbles and ask your kid to predict which will sink and which will float.
  • Washing stuff - Any toy that needs a wash can go into the water for a scrub. Your toddler even your preschooler will enjoy doing this important work. He can use a washing up sponge or soft brush.

Be alert however parents that water, how cheapest source of activity and easily available can impose danger to your kids. Safety precaution must be taken note as listed below:
  • Younger children shouldn't be left unsupervised around water even if they know how to swim.For toddler, he could drown in a few inches of water in a few minutes!
  • Put old towels on the floor under your kid's water-play area. This will prevent him slipping and also aid cleaning up.
  • Do not let your child play around any water (lake, pool, ocean, etc.) without adult supervision (even if he is a good swimmer).
  • Don't allow running or rough play around the water.
  • To those who has swimming pool, childproof your swimming pool with a fence around your backyard and a fence (at least 4 feet high) around the pool, with a self-closing, self-latching gate. Also consider having a phone poolside and learning CPR in case of emergencies.

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