
Welcome Notes from the Author

This Blog is solely private property of Hanz & TheHoneybunch.All the contents are based on the life we lead and sharing from what I learnt & read. We love homeschool and are happily homeschooling our boys aged 7, 3 and a baby for the past 7 years.

We welcome you to share as we would never stop learning because we believe the world is our classroom. Thank you.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Homeschooling | Start-up Materials & Teaching Kits

I always wanted to teach my child ever since he was inside my womb. I've gain the self-fulfillment whenever he accomplish in anything, be it tiny little things. The joy in his face whenever he is feeling self-satisfied with what he learned is all that matters to me. That is why I always (most of the time) seek & look-out many materials that can help me to teach my child. At the same manner, me, try to be creative also create teaching materials too

Before this I slowly build up collection of books for my child & started the homeschooling process by reading to my child which is my firstborn, Hanafi since he was inside my womb. The reading continues gradually till now & plus he was learning a lot from watching educational vcds. Simultaneously, I started with other methods too by utilising all this materials one material at a time. The rule of thumb is age-appropriateness (child development studies in mind) & each steps of accomplishment my son achieve.

I love to share the materials that I invested specially dedicated to our homeschooling...

Grolier's Piccolo Logico - A good investment as the learning range from many subjects & skills : from cognitive to concept to language to creativity & so on..need I say more?

Never ever underestimate the learning it provides from a simple 10 pieces jigsaw puzzle to the most complex one (even adults take this as a hobby, living prove is my dear hubby). You yourself will know when to up the total pieces for your child / student can accomplish. Set timer. See how they attempt the puzzle, not only concentrating the finishing product & how quick your child accomplishing it.

Get this one to introduce capital letters & numbers, spelling, building simple sentence, recognising word by taking the same word from the current book your child is reading
(this is where you will detect whether your child is memorising each word of each pages the book currently read or truly already recognising: IT'S IMPORTANT that they recognise not memorise). You can create other activity too. The possibility is endless when you have this!

Get your child to feel each letter & numbers, trace it, understand it & even the basic lesson. This is an Early Learning suitable from toddler age onwards.
(Be careful that your child won't put this in theri mouth in

Who can argue the learning it provides from evergreen toys - The LEGO? Or grab something that is 3-D instead & simple yet creative & Blocks that applies the same concept of jigsaw puzzle.

Serious stuff - Cognitive concept : Teaching time & Magnet, better to get something like this to aid you when explaining the concept rather do the old-fashioned way - The BOOK! Duh!

arieties of lesson & fun in learning, all these available almost in major bookstore & kid's floor in shopping complexes. Just take your pick! Must suit your child's needs, age-appropriateness, so on...

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